Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Long Winter

Yes and getting longer.

At least getting this laptop over a terrible winter VIRUS, is the start of winter being over.

Still, for a couple of weeks, morning feeds run in the low 20's. Sure will be nice when I start complaining the "DEVIL"S ANVIL".

Thanks for checking in on the LMA. Not posting was a big disappointment for me. Writers block seems to be like a virus hangover now, I'm sure there are some photos and stories coming soon. Patrick came out last week with his Harley and friends. Jackie Jo had a nasty infection on her Jaw, been working on that, doing better now. JJ"s due date April 3rd.

Brother Steve and I are working on renewing my ceiling texture. We had a good visit on Monday.

Well that's it for now-------------------as always Love from the LMA--------m.


Kathleen Lee said...

Finally. I've missed you Mikey!

Barbara said...

Dear Mikey,

So you are having writer's block, huh? For a couple months now I've been similarly stuck. Am behind on every sort of communication with friends near and far.

My sister, son and I have been very busy helping my brother, Paul. It's beginning to look more hopeful than what it was. What an experience! Not good at all.

On a different note although it was bone-chilling cold in Alaska, I had a wonderful time with my daughter and her family! Got there the night after Christmas Day arriving home Jan. 18th. Helped her family move unexpectedly because the rental they lived in cost 1500.00 a mth. for fuel. Crazy! The grand kids are 13, 11, 7, 4 and 11 months old so it was a flurry of activity the whole time. We ended up painting several rooms in the new house, etc. while the older kids were in school. Glad I was able to help her out and that I wasn't too tired! Came home exhausted but content and glad to have had lots of grandma time.

Am working on a song called Adagio from Moonlight Sonata. I haven't regularly played the piano for years and realized I've been very lazy just learning the first couple pages of songs quitting as soon as music became too hard to sightread. Played for years on a church worship team (by chords rather than classical) which I loved doing but that was 15 years ago so I lost some ability which I'm trying to regain.

Well, I need to get my clients ready for bed so will say goodnight.

Your old friend~Barbara
P. S. Glad you had a great visit with Pat and friends!