Hey Weenie where are you?
I see someone else is taking care of the HENS!
This guy sure did wait for his time, hmmmm.
Do you think somebody came in the night, hmmmm?
Dude! you are not on the hot seat boy, there weren't any hoof prints around the COOP!
OK just wanted to show a few curiosities around here. Perhaps Spring has started to work on me. The case of the rooster could mean she(the Hawk) is feeding her young, I don't think it was the Hawk; too cold; too soon. Certainly Plenty of Dogs in the neighborhood though. Then I do hear Coyotes every night. I do know the Chickens left have started laying plenty of eggs. Fear of death; wanting to reproduce; unknown events of tomorrow; your guess is as good as mine!
Another point I would like to make is this is Valentines Day. I certainly have been noticing some very nice females I come in contact with. I certainly hope this doesn't get me kicked out of the "HE MAN WOMEN'S HATER CLUB"! I can just see MOM laughing her A$$ off!
One Good Thing about Spring--------------Start an evening fire since I have two days off!
As always-----Love from the LMA-----------Mikey.