Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New decade, same old story


Mikey was sure proud of himself for finding a way to start posting again. Just goes to show you everyday presents it's own set of challenges. That's right my phone has decided to go south on me, ( hope it's just the old battery). The trip to town is over 100 miles, depending on where you have to go. I don't mind going, I just hate to leave the LMA. Promise to post more photos and stories in the new year, lots to talk about with everyone.

.Another development for the ranch is K-D is moving next door to Irene's. Irene saved me a lot of money when Dude had to be transported to college. I won't go in to details, but trust me we needed the help. Thanks to Irene.

.For all you Easter fans, all I can tell you is he's fat and happy. That is of course as long as he gets fed first, otherwise, he puts up a little complaint. He's so funny when I do that, shame on me!

.Just can't wait to get home, there's a fire place and a cold one with my name on it ----mikey.

PS.--------------I Love You MOM----------------m

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas


This is a real surprise for me. After some one got internet access denied for the department Mikey found a way around it one day after Christmas just so I could let everyone know how important you are to me. I also checked in with all your blogs, glad to see everyone having fun.

Dude is in Middleton for training, (College), will be out the first week of Febuary,that's when I pick him up. Hope to get with everyone I can, there is so much to do everytime I come up.

In the mean time we had some very nice goodies to eat while we sat around the fire for Christmas, can't wait to go home and pick up where I left off----------------Mikey

PS------------I love you MOM----Merry Christmas

Monday, November 16, 2009

Just cruising @ Pat's


Hello there, some have questioned why the post have stopped recently. I haven't had access to the web for some time now. Sorry about that. Pat is letting me use his computer today, since I am in town. Thank You Pat!

FYI Dude is scheduled to go to school in Idaho, 12/02/09. We will be looking forward to seeing everyone we can while I am up there. Should I miss anyone Dude will finish up school the end of January. Sure will miss him while he's gone.

Easter and Jackie Jo are doing fine, growing their winter coats right now, 29' this morning on the LMA! BRRRRRRR.

Thank God for the fire place, keeps the coffee going while I am outside working.-----------------

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hello everyone,

Things have slowed down this summer. Expectations of migrating north
won,t work out soon. Jackie Jo said " that's OK I like my powder bath
anyway". She has a special spot for that.
(No photos sorry).
Easter is OK with it, said we need to get busy with the sprinkler
system, he would like more pasture around here! Can't say I disagree,
will start working overtime, pay the debt down first.
Dude has generated interest, too young this year, sure could use
his help right now. Oh well, patience is a virtue.
When things get tough the tough read The Girls Dorm blog! I love to
keep up. Must read, hi Ladies.
Looks like the world hasn't heard the end of that bunch, look out all
you young fellers!

Give a shout out to Florida- won't be coming during Hurricane
season. Try Kississimme during the RODEO!
Mother; Aunt Rie; uncle pat; + Honey Bob, came for a visit. Really
nice. Family time can't be bought.
Though it would be nice to see all of you visit the LMA at your
leisure from time to time, I recommend Fire Season Though.
Hot here in the summer.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Easter I've had enough fun, take me home.

Well, it's been a nice day here on the LMA. Easter got to be the envy of all, got to go to his old digs. As you can see he's giving me the sign by shaking his lead that he's ready to go to his room, could it be dinner time?------Mikey.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Good morning one and all. Some of you may know that Bob, my sister Marie and myself went on a little weekend jaunt to Las Vegas and of course out to Sandy Valley. We picked the best day in weeks for the weather. It was a little cloudy,with just a slight breeze. Could not have been better.

Of course we had to see the prize stud colt , he is a beaut and such a gentleman. These pitures are just a few snaps of "Dude" and like all kids they never want to show off when you want them to. He isn't brushed and curried, after all he wasn't expecting company. Now Mike on th other hand is all spiffed up in his summer best.

The vines behind them are grape vines of a mixed variety and boy are they good. In the old days I would have been tempted to make some wine. If you haven't been out there, it is well worth the trip.
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Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Yes it,s that time again, going to take these to the locals who want them. Plenty more coming----mikey
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Monday, June 22, 2009

Loven Life

Just saying
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LMA- Artichokes

It takes 2 yrs for them to mature. This is my first plant------mikey
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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Radish-LMA Style

I know, I know--radishes the size of baseballs SURE---Mikey----WE KNOW!
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Yepper, mid June in the Desert, 85 dgs, soft breeze+ Mikey turned on the sprinkler. Just another day on the ranch. This global warming must have been last year. What do you think Dude? How's the snack?

Guess I,ll go take a nap.----Mikey
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More than a Desert-cont

Mid June 85de Love it!

LMA Front yard, the little bushes, if you wonder, Artichokes! YEAH. Way back there a volunteer carrot went to seed. Larry is mowing around the melon and cucumber plants that came back from last year.
Still waiting here----Mikey.

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I started these a couple yrs ago, there was one small plant on the endangered list.----mikey.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009


Same flower
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1st blue ribbon candidate

Just got home NICE
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Sunday, April 19, 2009


Just enjoy
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Thursday, April 16, 2009



Easter, you lucky dog, people save their money for months to go away too a spa. Here you are getting mud baths; massages; special cuisine; pampered; groomed; beautiful females all around, and now you want me to clean your coat! "OK"!

Now I can see why Steven used to call you the "Blond Pig". Such a good boy though. I wonder who is training who here. At least someone lives well, that's a good thing. Easter really likes it when the rains come, and he really doesn't want the dirt to come off, it's his natural protection. I usually let it stay till I need to ride him' after that I shower him so he can go roll in the dirt again.

Hey guess what! Since the Iris Pictures are not ready here are Jerry,and Diane's Grand Daughter"s with a new colt "Chisholm", I believe the mare is Dolly.

Karri-----------------------------------------Sam Woods, and mother's feet.

Things get pretty busy in horse country this time of year.

I can't remember it snowing this time of year down here in the desert, not to worry though, I have plenty of firewood still.--------------------Mikey.

PS I love you MOM!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Season has begun.


Not a bad start, nothing like the lush lawns in Idaho, just that around here any green is rare most of the year. We cut this a little long hoping the Zukes and Melons will be able to get started before we line the rows. LMA gardening has the shotgun and volunteer model for intensive growth, after it starts we decide where the rows will be, then mow the rest.

This is the afternoon photo.

Next morning, looks like a tumble weed. Just for your information, the small plants by the Texas Fan Ash are second year Artichokes, make beautiful blossoms later in the summer, not going to mow those.

Easter sure is nosy, he's into everything. Where do you have to be sitting to get this shot?

One thing about spring is anticipation, I'm sure Even if I migrate the LMA north, this will be a pleasure to leave the new owner. Should that take much longer I still have things set up the way I love them. Going one day at a time.
Waiting by the fire place for the next story. (Iris bloom any time now).-------Mikey.
PS I love you MOM.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Still Waiting


Yes here it is, April all ready.
Still waiting for the Iris Plants to bloom, expect photos next week, Still waiting.
Still waiting for word on the sale of the LMA. Getting a lot of positive feed back, some confirmation of information coming in, SHOULD WORK OUT IF. Still waiting. Cool Clear waiting,waiting,waiting.
In the meantime there are various plants coming up in the Victory Garden, problem is we don't know for sure what all of them are, many will be unknown volunteers for now, have to wait a while to find out. Looking for a nice vegetable variety, planted plenty of seeds from packets, and seeds we saved from last year, really hope it turns out half as well as last year. Guess we'll have to wait and see, waiting,waiting,waiting.
I did get the power push lawn mower running, since there isn't any grass tall enough to cut I guess I'll have to wait on the grass to grow. ( All together now). All that have followed the LMA for some time will be proud to know that I finally got "That Darn Tractor" fixed, If At First You Don't Succeed Wait till later THEN getter er done! Waiting, waiting, waiting.
Next week I also plan to get photos of the trees, Brian pruned them all, they are starting to leaf out now, and the Mondale Pines look like they came from a country club. The Poplar limbs we put in a barrel full off water six weeks ago, and they have little green leaves on them, five we just planted to see if they would start on their own, waiting, waiting, waiting. Hard to believe I haven't had a beer yet, Waiting, waiting,waiting.
"OK" it's a slow news day. I'm sure I'll be hearing from all of you soon, ( All together now).
"WAIT" I know what I can do! I'll start a fire, Open a BEER and "WAIT" over there!-----MIKEY.
. PS I Love You MOM.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Note from Sprucetree ranch


Diane Eckhout just informed me of the first new foal of the year. The mare Lulu is Easter's older sister, the filly's name is Jazz.


I have been kicking back the last couple of weeks Spring weather being what it is I haven't felt like fighting the elements on 2 out of 3 days off. Although a few trips around the placed revealed spring has come in the form of several plants breaking ground, trees leafing out and grass shooting up. Nice.

Well since the wind has calmed down Larry and I trimmed Dude's feet on Tuesday. That called for a trip to the fire place, complete with Baked potatoes, Baked red onions with wine & butter, all to compliment some of those fantastic Smoked Beef Ribs, from the beef Jerry Eckhout raised for me last year.
See you there sometime soon----Mikey.

PS: I love you Mom.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'M Gonna Get It!


I remembered to catch Irene when she wasn"t being camera shy. She is forever working on the plants around here. These are the grape vines on my back porch, I pruned them back last week, or so I thought. She really does have the "Green Thumb". Can't wait for things to get started around here. I will find out if she's reading the blog if she prunes me with those things!

Kings Bit of Dash-( K-D ), has really calmed down. The wind was ferocious Tuesday. I stayed in the house reading most of the day, although there were a few times I just had to get out. Leave Me Alone policy still in effect!

Here's Easter getting ready for his Early afternoon nap, has to do that before his Mid and Late afternoon naps. Leave Me Alone!

As everyone can see we like to take it easy around here.

I would like to start the fire, but this wind is too much today, even a horse knows when to "Bush UP" and turn his tail to the wind.

"Bushing Up" now, talk to you later----------Mikey.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Be It Ever So!


Never get tired of looking around my back yard. Even though many have heard me say "It's not what I do see, It's what I don't see." Living in the city was fun, but I have had enough fun.

I never get enough of Mt. Charleston when there is snow. We like to keep the snow where we can keep an eye on it. The alfalfa fields are starting to come on now.

Good thing, this is all I have left, don't know if it's enough, you know how I am.

This photo was inspired by Dawn Marie, mainly for optical illusion purposes. Like to keep having fun, I don't believe my old truck could get this job done.

Still haven't fed these guy's since the last remark. Anyway we are getting more insects now that the weather is warming up. They can eat bug's. See the Victory Garden?

Fresh batch of limb's for the Bird Habitat.

The quail may come back since the Coyotes were here all winter. They look well fed! I don't see many cats around lately!

Too early and warm for a fire right now, but will see you there soon-------Mikey.

P.S. Love You Mom!

Thursday, February 26, 2009



Last week my brother, Pat and I made a trip down into Arizona. Since Pat was doing all the driving it left me to my own devices to pass the time. Usually it would consist of bantering between us, but I really wanted something more out of this trip than that.

I spent a few years in Arizona as a young man, and I can say I have covered a vast majority of this state several times.

As we covered the ground and went through different places on our route I would explain little things I could remember as they popped into my mind. It surprised even me how much I had forgotten about those years.

So many experiences good and not so good, just part of living.
Like now, the new construction of the bridge over Hoover Dam this gave me pause to consider the First Trip I can remember. My brother and I were going to live in Idaho. I was 6 years old and I remember seeing Hoover Dam at that time, this was one of my earliest recollections. Call that Trip-1.

I believe this trip will be one that will be impossible to forget, but I may never drive over the dam again, we never know. I'll call this Trip-2.
Sometimes it's good to let someone else drive for you. Gives you time to remember the best of life.
Well Easter gave me a 3-second hug when I finally got home, then about a 10-minute chewing out for not being there. I didn't get mad at him though. I just fed him something then went to start the fire, see you there soon ---------Mikey

Thursday, February 19, 2009

LMA-Spring is Near


Finished cutting up the last of the X-mas tree. Going to have to stack it up soon. As you can see Brian the "wood cutter" is doing his thing. Along with the chunks he is cutting, which are the best pieces for cooking and smoking, we have a few large bags of wood ribbon for fire starter.

I really don't want to leave this stuff too close to the fire in case the wind blows a spark over there. Besides the LMA G-dorm wants fresh bedding too.

As you can see in the back ground our victory garden has been prepared. We have enough ribbon to shade the edges providing water retention and weed suppression. Intensive planting will do the rest.

To me Spring is the best time of year, perhaps that's why I named my partner Easter. In a matter of weeks the preps of late winter will help these life cycles start their seasons anew. As always time marches on.

I used to try and help him, until he explained that he didn't want to worry about where his saw blade was, as long as nobody is near him he has less chance for an accident. That's good with me, I'll help later!

One thing about me, the fascination with wood grain, infinite variations, distinct and unique, visually I get lost in the most beautiful textures. I believe this one should be spared the fire.

Well it looks like it's about my turn to help, want to have the bedding cleaned up and spread around before it gets too late.

Planning on a nice fire tonight, thinking of you all------Mikey

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Keep Going


. Monday was threatening rain, so I went out to Two Hawks Ranch in the morning, needed to buy some hay. Didn't have much of a plan when I left the LMA. One stop at the Post Office first then to the store for sandwich makings and coffee, never want to go out in the desert without something to fall back on.

Clark Mt. to the south, I work about seven miles from here if you travel over the left side of the photo. Not recommended for daily commute. From the looks of things they may have been right about rain today, also a cold wind.

To the west we have a closer view of Kingston Mt. I ride Easter towards this, way too far for a one day ride unless your horse is in great shape. "That's right Mikey the horse needs to be in shape."

. I thought this was supposed to be cowboy country.

. Just to make sure,I wasn't mistaken took another look on Tuesday. Had to get away for awhile anyhow. Sometimes it's better to roam around some while you are thinking of things.

That or a nice fire---------------Mikey

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cabin Fever this week!

It's not very often I get photo ops. like this. My BlackBerry is not quite up to the task of landscape shots, but we go with what we have right now. Saturday night while coming over Columbia pass after work, this view should be shared.

I know there is enough imagination out there to enhance this mentally.

Here's a shot from my front porch of Kingston Mt. It is part of California's wilderness area. Normally appearing black, that's why I thought this photo was a rare chance. I took more "but" no need to drag on about it.
We had plenty of wind; rain; snow; sunshine; dust devils; you name it. At least two days of drizzle made the ground moist without very much standing water, the front yard is getting some green fuzz, might be grass!
Better get a fire started while I can------------Mikey.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dogs Life Continued


I hope someone remembers the early (Pre. 21st century Mikey) photos circulated with Easter and I napping in the front pasture together. It's hard to take that shot by myself. The last time I remember taking a nap on Easter was Thanksgiving day 2007. Poor Old Boy sure lives a dogs life doesn't he I just love it out here when everybody is following the LMA mantra. So ashamed of myself having a thought of disturbing him. Must be a residual from my younger days, I thought life was supposed to be exciting 24-7. Thankfully I,m over that now.

Speaking of relaxing, here's something that I want to share with you, here's how Easter relaxes when he is vertical. The vernacular term for this is "Slip Shot". For some reason it also reminded me of a relaxing technique I learned from Kathleen, when we were still in High School, crossing your little toes, love it.

He has done this all the time I've owned him, some people question the condition of the foot when observed, guaranteed sound on this one.

Well maybe to much relaxing is called something else, Ah Hem, I believe there are a few more of those sticker grass things over by what's left of my Apple Tree.

Enjoy and relax, Life is too short------------Mikey.