Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bob & Mom- Q-Time

Mom & Bob took off for Arizona New Years Eve, Day, we sure had a nice visit. Tuesday Larry Miller and I were preparing a little some thing for the picnic basket we'll be taking to Idaho next week.

Just another day on the Ranch! Yep this will go along pretty well with the 4lbs. chuck roast I smoked just before. Hope there will be enough to get us through the next couple days!

I don't know if that will be enough to keep Miller busy on the Smoker. What do you think DUDE? I don't know, why don't you check with Redman, excuse me, I meant TOBY VAN CAT! You know I have to clear every thing with the Boss, let me check on it AFTER my nap.
What's going on around here now you guys?

I don't know about these guys around here, believe I'll go back to the fire place and have a cold one-------Mikey!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Well here it is nearing Christmas again! This week on my days off it was my intent to tell you more about the ranch, bbbuuuttt, things didn't work out that way. My Blackberry decided it was going to purge because of the first snow storm in Las Vegas in five years, dumping all the pictures I wanted to send in. This is a shot from State Line Primm, Nv. Looking at Whiskey Pete's sign shortly after Interstate 15 closed due to inclement weather.
Not the place I would like to go swimming right now. Anyway should I get out to the ranch in the next few hours the Columbia Pass won't be a problem, keep your fingers crossed. More details coming tomorrow.

I'm sure glad we got some firewood in-------------Mikey
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Thursday, December 11, 2008

No Not Enough

This just isn't enough, I know I'm being greedy, but I can't help myself. Can't wait till this weekend so I can get a few more loads. Love that ugly old truck, but, "pretty is as pretty does".

Here's what I was really interested in sharing with you. Since this appears to be the tree & wood season this Mondale Pine had a short career on Irene's place so I brought it over to the quail habitat. Gopher Bait, they just love to eat the roots off these things, there is only one long root left. Yet for some reason they only kill off about 15% of these trees. The rest seem to do all right. We try too use everything we can around here, besides the Pine needles make a quick fire starter.
That reminds me see you there--------------------------Mikey
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Easter's View

Hey Mikey, it sure is nice around here lately, you know I didn't think the racket in the LMA's girls dorm was ever going to slow down!

Hey Ginger I wonder if Easter is telling Mikey about those two new dogs in the neighborhood, the ones you were explaining the rules to while he was getting that wood. I didn't know you felt that way about dogs!

Yeah Ginger, Hey-Girl and I will keep a look out for them while you rest up. Well at least we'll stand up while we are napping that way it will appear as though we are watching.

Just another busy day on the ranch.
See you at the fire-------------------------Mikey
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What a nice mourning, really would be a good chance to work outside. Straighten up the fire area, good idea.

There, thats a little better. You know now that I'm looking at it there dosn't seem to be enough wood here.

Maybe if I look around I'll find some more.

This should be enough for a while!

Nice day for it better get started.

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Checking in with everyone.

This photos title "Say What? You talking too Me?"
Here's Ginger keeping an eye on Hey-Girl.

Why do I call him RED MAN?

DUDE------------12/01/08, 19 Mos. old.

Hey-Girl & Ginger- eyeing DUDE.

EASTER; JACKIE JO; DUDE'S cousin, HEY what is Mikey doing in my space, and where is DUDE?

I know this is going to be a HAPPY HOLIDAY season, family and friends all reaffirming our love for each other. Mikey sincerely hopes for the best in all things for each and every one of you! Here at the LMA we try to look at life in a light hearted way, the more we do the faster time seems to fly. I don't want to grow old any faster than I have too, but I don't want to miss out on the fun of life either. Every new day brings me a new story to tell, this medium is terrific, even out here in the Desert away from everyone I feel I can reach out and touch you where ever you are, not as close as my HEART though.
It is very refreshing to follow all of your Blogs, the looking glass into our lives.
Again HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all-------------------Mikey.

For Deb & Terry

I often sit by the fire reminiscing, the other night I was looking through photos Mother sent me. Remembering that her friends Terry and Deb seemed to have a nice time,there were pictures with the horses; the front garden; Zukes; melons; and squash. What tripped my trigger is Deb was sitting on a log I was using for a bench, which gave her a little wobble, luckily she maintained her balance. I kept telling myself that it was a warning and Mikey better do something about it. So this is it, rest in secure comfort, by the fire.

Here's me trying to get a photo of Irene with Reinie, one out of two isn't bad right? This one was taken earlier in the year while I was still trying to figure out my Blackberry. I'm faster now although we have different schedules I'll get her. For those who don't know her she is my next door neighbor, and she has three horses. The people near me are really nice, and we all keep an eye out for each other without intruding too much.
The weather has been fantastic for this time of year, but we still make fire wood. Here's Brian lining up four by fours, we use up all the old post, pallets, and crates we can find. Some of my neighbors have business's at home, this gives them an out that is good for all, plenty of kindling.

Poplar& Elder trees grow out here fairly fast, they live approximately ten years in this environment, and grow nearly fifty feet before dying off. The best thing is to get them started then stop watering them as much, this forces them to grow roots quickly, my water is only down forty feet. With a modest amount of work you will keep plenty of shade around plus an abundant supply of trees to cut up.
As you can see Brian is almost done here today he is one person that just loves to cut wood, says it keeps him young. Helps "work up my thirst", is what I tell him.
You know where I'm heading-------------Mikey!

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