Monday, September 19, 2011


Thanks for all the great suggestions, I used several of them,this name does have a lot of support from the AQHA because of her bloodlines.


. I still call her JP, kind of a habit now, and she is responding to my voice when I call her.

As always -------Love from the LMA-----mikey.
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Monday, September 12, 2011


I Don't know what happened to the Shrew Photos. I'll try again later-----m.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Taming of the Shrew

The Shrew, look familiar BOYS?
Well maybe being a good provider might make her a little more amicable.

Hand feeding, who'd thunk?

Well, if ya have to put up with a Shrew, be sure she's good looking!

Hey! She's not pulling back! Maybe we're getting somewhere!

Just so you know Mikey, I still don't trust you!

Just another day- on the LMA.

Time for a cold one.

As always-------------Love from the LMA----------mikey.

PS.-----------Love You All-----m.

PSS< sorry about this mess, I went back to my old Interface---m.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day Sunday---LMA

I don't have much of a storey for you today. I really wish I did, I'm so tired. Life has been pretty good to me, yet I only respond to questions. No one has asked me a question lately.

Well nearly no one.

. Take Dude for instance, hey mikey, where are the mares? Over there; too bad bro!

Easter; just another day; come on mikey bring the food; Love ya man, I still won't give you my BEER!

Plenty warm here, no need for a fire, although the season is coming quickly!

.As usual---------------Love from theLMA-----------Mikey.

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