Sunday, October 10, 2010

Two Lives


Isn't it funny how we all make plans for our lives, work like the dickens trying to achieve our goals, then one day wake up to say "How did this happen?".
Here I am; Cowboy at heart; sitting in my office; wondering how a technopeasant like myself; ever wound up here!
Actually the photo is my first attempt to see if I could download video from my phone camera to the blog. It actually plays in my E-Mail. Trying to play back on my phone came with a warning of a large file,check your plan for charges before opening. OMG! that scared me, this will be expensive I betcha.
I'll just take my time with this one.

Yeah what a good try, I believe embedding is possible, just more to learn in the new era of the LMA.

.Now back to the fun stuff.
.Do you enjoy Rainbows by the fire place? I do.

They just kept coming, one after the other.

Really is rare to be here during the best days. Take what I can though, being inside pays the bills, being outside makes it worth the aggravation.
Just a few moments from a technopeasant here by the fire------Mikey

PS------Love from the LMA-----m.
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Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday Morning

Wow is this nice or what?

Soft evenings, nice colors.

Just a swinging.
.I moved the swing around so I didn't have to turn my head so much.

.Always making things just a little bit better.

.Monday morning Mikey has a plan.
Guess what that is!
I do need to make room in the freezer.
You know plinking last week sure as fun.
Now that the weather is cooling I find myself really hungry.

Sure do love a decent carbon footprint.
Especially early in the morning.

Is anybody else hungry?
Black Pepper
Fresh Garlic (mashed)
Plenty of Smoke

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They say you are what you eat.
I sure feel like a pig right now.

Back to the fire now, after dinner cocktail------Mikey.

PS----as always Love from the LMA-------------m.