Tuesday, May 24, 2011

For My Sisters


Just so you know.

.No matter how hard times get.

.The LMA still loves you.

As Always-------------LOVE from the LMA------------Mikey.

.Fire---Cold One----------m.

Monday, May 23, 2011



.Here comes the sun.

One good thing about having to go too work.

Wish I could hang around to finish the show.

But, off to work I go----------Mikey.

As always-----------Love from the LMA------------m.
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Thursday, May 19, 2011


.The wind is blowing 40mph. temp 60.

Rain showers; thunder boomies;dust blowing all over the place.


Day dragging on, can't get any work done.

Then this.

I need a cold one.---------------love from the LMA--------------------Mikey.

As always ------------Love from the LMA-----------------m.


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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

LMA May 2011


Just checking out Jackie Jo, she seems to be keeping her weight up.

Shiney too!

I haven't registered a name yet so I call her JP.

JP has a nice confirmation, gaining weight too.

That's just the baby bucket.

Jackie Jo is very protective, really difficult to get JP out in the open for a shot.

As always ---------Love from the LMA---------------Mikey.

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