Finished cutting up the last of the X-mas tree. Going to have to stack it up soon. As you can see Brian the "wood cutter" is doing his thing. Along with the chunks he is cutting, which are the best pieces for cooking and smoking, we have a few large bags of wood ribbon for fire starter.

I really don't want to leave this stuff too close to the fire in case the wind blows a spark over there. Besides the LMA G-dorm wants fresh bedding too.

As you can see in the back ground our victory garden has been prepared. We have enough ribbon to shade the edges providing water retention and weed suppression. Intensive planting will do the rest.
To me Spring is the best time of year, perhaps that's why I named my partner Easter. In a matter of weeks the preps of late winter will help these life cycles start their seasons anew. As always time marches on.

I used to try and help him, until he explained that he didn't want to worry about where his saw blade was, as long as nobody is near him he has less chance for an accident. That's good with me, I'll help later!

One thing about me, the fascination with wood grain, infinite variations, distinct and unique, visually I get lost in the most beautiful textures. I believe this one should be spared the fire.
Well it looks like it's about my turn to help, want to have the bedding cleaned up and spread around before it gets too late.
Planning on a nice fire tonight, thinking of you all------Mikey
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