Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas


This is a real surprise for me. After some one got internet access denied for the department Mikey found a way around it one day after Christmas just so I could let everyone know how important you are to me. I also checked in with all your blogs, glad to see everyone having fun.

Dude is in Middleton for training, (College), will be out the first week of Febuary,that's when I pick him up. Hope to get with everyone I can, there is so much to do everytime I come up.

In the mean time we had some very nice goodies to eat while we sat around the fire for Christmas, can't wait to go home and pick up where I left off----------------Mikey

PS------------I love you MOM----Merry Christmas

1 comment:

Kathleen Lee said...

It figures, I check and check your blog and just when I stop checking, you blog! So glad to see it. Love yer sis!