I remembered to catch Irene when she wasn"t being camera shy. She is forever working on the plants around here. These are the grape vines on my back porch, I pruned them back last week, or so I thought. She really does have the "Green Thumb". Can't wait for things to get started around here. I will find out if she's reading the blog if she prunes me with those things!

Kings Bit of Dash-( K-D ), has really calmed down. The wind was ferocious Tuesday. I stayed in the house reading most of the day, although there were a few times I just had to get out. Leave Me Alone policy still in effect!

Here's Easter getting ready for his Early afternoon nap, has to do that before his Mid and Late afternoon naps. Leave Me Alone!

As everyone can see we like to take it easy around here.
I would like to start the fire, but this wind is too much today, even a horse knows when to "Bush UP" and turn his tail to the wind.
"Bushing Up" now, talk to you later----------Mikey.
1 comment:
Bushing up can be fun too. We all need a day "down" once in a while.
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