Easter, you lucky dog, people save their money for months to go away too a spa. Here you are getting mud baths; massages; special cuisine; pampered; groomed; beautiful females all around, and now you want me to clean your coat! "OK"!
Now I can see why Steven used to call you the "Blond Pig". Such a good boy though. I wonder who is training who here. At least someone lives well, that's a good thing. Easter really likes it when the rains come, and he really doesn't want the dirt to come off, it's his natural protection. I usually let it stay till I need to ride him' after that I shower him so he can go roll in the dirt again.

Hey guess what! Since the Iris Pictures are not ready here are Jerry,and Diane's Grand Daughter"s with a new colt "Chisholm", I believe the mare is Dolly.

Karri-----------------------------------------Sam Woods, and mother's feet.
Things get pretty busy in horse country this time of year.
I can't remember it snowing this time of year down here in the desert, not to worry though, I have plenty of firewood still.--------------------Mikey.
PS I love you MOM!
You have to be a special horse when they name a religious holiday after you! God bless you Easter!
Isn't springtime wonderful, a new beginning for flora and fauna alike. Nothing like new foals.
I've seen signs of new life abound down here as well, however, the last couple of nights we have been down in the 30s. Different kinds of cacti are starting to bloom.
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