Finally got er done, I don't mind telling you this was really bugging me for the last few weeks. End result is it's vertical and, (believe it or not level), just had to line it up with the house, complete. Still having problems getting enough pictures to present the whole show, but I'm sure everyone understands how mush of a problem it is to move 14,000 lbs. As happy as I was about this, it was not the highlight of the weekend.

. This was, Sunday Glenn and Marie dropped by for a visit. Oh the fish stories were flying that day. How's that for a cute photo?

.We had some time. Food and drink, conversation, great. The ranch really felt like home.

. And you know Marie just had to size me up for some footie's, bless her.

. Does Glenn look like he's telling me I'm full of it? I hope so, we are family.
. Since my phone is so weak we took the opportunity for a photo op with Dude. Glenn nailed a couple nice ones which he will E-mail me, can't wait to share more of the day with you.
Great to see them, we all wish for more good times together, never enough!
Nice evening, sure is comfortable here by the fire------------------Snooze -------------------------------Mikey
PS---------------------Love you MOM--------------------m.
I'm sure sorry I missed the visit on the LMA, but glad we got to visit with them in Green Valley. What a great family. Glad you got the "shop" upright Mikey! Love you.
I showed mom your blog first thing this morning, Mike. She loved it! Keep them coming!
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