Hey Mike, somebody is taking Toby!

Don't Worry Dude!

Hey Mike! Somebody is taking Toby! Don't worry Easter, it's OK!

MOM- what's going on?

MOM I think something is going on!
Don't worry JP, I've seen worse.
HI! You Dad's Lawyer?
Good Bye TOBY, the boys will miss you! HEHEHE!

Just another day on the LMA.
Good bye Lawyer.
You know after all this excitement I need a cold one, it is getting warm down here.
As always------Love from the LMA------Mikey.
Always changes throughout our lives. Just got back from a late evening walk. We finally had a hot day. Think this is only the second one this year.
Mike, you heading to Idaho over the 4th? I ask because Grant and Sheri Leavitt have invited all our classmates to their house July 2nd, Sat. at 5:00 for a potluck! How opportune if you happen to be coming up to see your family and friends! Would be great to see you! Need to get extra sleep so will say goodnight! Take it easy!
Hey Mikey, what did you do with Toby? and who's the Lawyer?
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