Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dude's Home


That was the first breath out of my mouth on returning to the LMA. No "burning daylight" today! Anxious as I was about the journey up and back the roads and weather were blessed. My luck held both ways. Working in a cave like I do made being out west in the wide open spaces is a real joy. Wasteland is what some people call Nevada, wish they would take another look, might inspire them. Wide open spaces is cowboy reality.

Dude weathered the trip home far better than his trip to college, Mikey was definitely out of his circle of trust for that one. However college seemed to agree with him. The trainer for Dude, Sean Williams did a terrific job. I also spent time with him while he rode Dude for me. Seeing a students teacher in action is worth a bunch of talking. After he ended his ride I took over. Absolute thrill let me tell you, outside of the fact I was nervous as Hell about it, been there done that, calamity and horse go hand in hand! Of course the whole experience had me anxious for quite a while before he went to be trained, just imagine completing a process like this, way above my pay grade I'll tell ya! Just lucked out. More than that I have to thank Jerry Eckhout for pointing us in Sean's direction, good young man who has done training for him before. Dude appeared to be fine with unloading as Easter and Toby made a big racket, he joined in while he led me to his corral, "ahem".

You all know what's coming next, yep time for a cold one and fire---------------------------------Mikey.

.PS----------------I Love you MOM---------------m

1 comment:

Kathleen Lee said...

So sorry we missed you Mike. Glad all went well for you and Dude though. Heading to AZ on Monday. Love you!