Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gangs All Here!


These photos are not in order, but then, when is anything in order around here?

. Zoe's here, hi sweaty.

..Just wishing Mother was here already, Hi Mom.

.Here's brother Patrick, one day before his birthday, Happy Birthday bro!

.Jodie and Wade, I don't know the doggies name.

.These are from last week, this week is perfect for a B-Day BBQ.

. Yes just another day on the LMA. Forgot to mention Merle and Marion showed up too. Everybody but Dad and I went for a ride. Actually I had the horse shoer come out before Merle got here, we did Easter and Toby (trims), just as we finished Marion came back alone while the gang made their way to a local way to a local watering hole. Shortly after Merle made it. The three of us had a nice conversation waiting for the gang to get back.
.That off road stuff must make you really hungry, We had 5lbs' Tri-tip,3 lbs' onion burgers;potato chips; Ritz crackers Provolone & American cheeses; pickles; taters and onions, yep the old smoker was going full tilt!
Fire place and re ride stories, and a cold one--------------in my glory Mikey
.PS ----------Love you MOM---------------m

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Never Enough


And getting less all the time. Time; Time; Time. Never enough wood; hay; fuel;Love; Compassion; Fellowship; Barbecue; Beans; Coffee; Milk; Bread; never enough.

--------Never enough---------

.Never hear enough from outside.

Just a few minutes by the fire is enough to make me think about all of you. Be well!

Keep the fire going for you----------------Mikey

.PS----------------- Love you MOM------------m

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

I wish I could

...I wish I could take a nap like that. Actually I get enough sleep, very important for me to be alert since I take responsibility for making sure things are up to snuff around here. Looking at Toby makes me feel like everyone is content. Happiness is extra, just content is good enough on the LMA.


Take ol Easter here, the only time he's not content is when dinner is late or Toby is feeling rested up.


How could we complain about a backyard view like this?


Just wanted to say Hello, now back to chores, have to get everything caught up before I start the evening fire.-----------------------Mikey.

. PS------------------Love You Mom------------m

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Just Goofing Around



Hi guys, I was looking through Picasa when this opportunity to post came up. Not having much on my mind looking out the window at school seemed a natural for me.
Being a Saturday the part about working in a dark cold place didn't seem fair, so be careful what you wish for. Just a few more hours and the view will be quite different I'm sure.

Heres my favorite view in the mornings. Just posted it recently, wish I could do it justice.

.....................................Wonder what it would be like.............................

I need a cold one and a fire, been a long week---------------Mikey.

PS..................................Love you MOM---------m.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Good Morning- so far


Yeah a nice morning out there. Looks like it is going to be a wonderful day. How about it Easter ready for some breakfast?
Better wake Toby up.


Looks like Merle's stuck.

This sequence shows the second place we tried unsuccessfully to spot it.

After seven and a half hours, I decided on ramming speed, got it off though!

I guess I liked this picture so much I put it in twice, oops.

Well boy it started out nice.

.Morning on the LMA.

.That darn thing must weigh 14,000 pounds, what do you think the over and under is for time on me fixing that mess up? I'll give you a hint, not this week! Sure is good to see Merle getting around though. That guy is a workaholic. He makes me tired just watching him, think I need a cold one and a fire----------------------Mikey
PS----------------Love You MOM------------m.