Yeah a nice morning out there. Looks like it is going to be a wonderful day. How about it Easter ready for some breakfast?

Looks like Merle's stuck.

This sequence shows the second place we tried unsuccessfully to spot it.

After seven and a half hours, I decided on ramming speed, got it off though!

I guess I liked this picture so much I put it in twice, oops.

Well boy it started out nice.

.Morning on the LMA.
.That darn thing must weigh 14,000 pounds, what do you think the over and under is for time on me fixing that mess up? I'll give you a hint, not this week! Sure is good to see Merle getting around though. That guy is a workaholic. He makes me tired just watching him, think I need a cold one and a fire----------------------Mikey
PS----------------Love You MOM------------m.
Glad you could get the blog up Mikey. I see what you mean by ramming speed. Good luck with your new project
Well Mikey, it looks like you at least had a beautiful day for your adventure. Nice looking rig the "ole man" got. As for the ramming speed, all's well that ends well.
Love ya,
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