Monday, November 28, 2011

LMA Sunrise November Edition

This is an impulse posting. The color moments only last about 7 or 8 minutes.


My phone has been giving me fits lately, didn't know for sure if it would last long enough to snap few shots.

The temperature is plunging to the mid 20's as the Sun is coming up.

Guess I'll have one more cup of coffee before I go Feed.

As always-----------Love from the LMA--------Mikey.
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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Greener Pastures for Dude

Good Bye Dude.

Not much more to say, sure will miss him, but ya know you have to let them go. Such is the horse business.

As always-------Love from the LMA------------Mikey.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Morning in Sandy Valley

Fog is something we very rarely see out here. I had my days changed to cover for a guy at work, I'm running an hour late. This is so rare the opportunity to take a few snap shots overwhelmed me. I know; I know not while driving, but I was late for work.

The fog is coming from the old sea bed south of the valley, the funny part is it's 25 F. outside right now, (no really) the sea bed is dry, but the water table out there is only a couple of feet deep. The Mojave river runs under ground all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. The water temp is usually 50 F. hence Fog.

Actually the state line is on the other side of Clark Mountain in the background.

Good thing I'm running late, an hour ago that sun would have been hitting me full on driving over Columbia pass.

Just a brilliant morning I would have missed if my schedule hadn't changed.

As always-----Love from the LMA-----Mikey.
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Monday, November 21, 2011

Woke Up In The Morning

Woke up in the morning boy it sure feels cold.
Woke up in the morning boy I sure feel old.
Woke up in the morning boy coffee sure sounds good.
Woke up in the morning boy a fire would be apropos.
Woke up in the morning boy that is some wet wood.
Woke up in the morning got nowhere to go.
Woke up in the morning that coffee sure tastes good.


Woke up this morning to a mid November storm, man it came out of nowhere. It was still dark when I rolled out this morning, had no Idea how the weather had changed over night. This time of year I turn down my heat to save money while I sleep, thanks to some very warm bed coverings I have accumulated over the years. AS I walked out at sun up to feed it was a suprise to see how wet the ground was. Little bit after noon the sky started to open up.
Think I will skip the fire, just stay inside and have a cold one.
As always----Love from the LMA-----Mikey.
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Monday, November 14, 2011

Coming of Winter

Yes as the days get shorter I remember all the years. Once Halloween is over; my birthday; Thanksgiving; come Christmas; and New Year. Time marches on.

Not the passing of my Mother; not the grief of all our for bearers can stop the march of time. Every year I am here is counted as a success, never in my wildest dreams did I think so many blessings would out weigh the problems only imagined in my mind.
In spite of my ignorance my life has been a success because I see "ONE SET OF FOOT PRINTS IN THE SAND", thank you LORD.
Winter is a time for Holidays; being with the ones you love and protect; do the best you can; time marches on; now is the time for this; come Spring we all know another Winter will be coming.
When in the responsible protection of our parents life is a picture of perfection, we have people we must adhere too. Reasoning on our part usually not allowed. I love you; do it my way! "OK"! Time marches on.
Looking back through the winters of my life, I must say that I look forward to the "March of Time" with trepidation and great expectation. Mostly I'm afraid to miss all the wonderful things coming out of the families young people. I know Mother was afraid I might fall young, to my shame I was not more reassuring to her. Mom's Mums will come back in the Spring. Time marches on.

The state of the world is moving at a pace never comprehended by anyone who had an influence on me. Never in our wildest imagination would Mikey know what an internet was! Yet there go the Footprints.

Footprints to the fire and a cold one-----------------Mikey.

As always-----Love from the LMA-----------m.