Monday, January 30, 2012

No Photos Tonight

A conversation came to me today.

. A conversation from years ago from my brother, Russ.
He told me that he wished we were born from a higher social form.
. I said nothing.

In my heart; I was raging!
How could a Brother of mine not know how noble the people who got us here are?

Poor; in money? yes. Poor in intellect? No. Poor in devotion? No. Poor in family values? No. Poor in survive ability? No!

.I would say to the generations to come: You have been given the best chance on earth to go for your own! Take it.

Dust Bowlers!

Back in the day! My father was born in a barn while Grandpa George was filling an obligation to harvest a Kansas farmers wheat.
Any family members who remember our history are welcome to respond, but, as it has been related to me, here it is.

Grandpa George finished the harvest then loaded up the family to make the move too Idaho. He had a wagon and a mule.
The Mule got tired and stopped; George said " that's once mule", then cracked him on the ass, he started moving again. Later the mule stopped again, George said we need to get to the railroad station to make our move to Idaho! He cracked the mule on the ass, "That's twice Mule" and they were moving on.

. As at has been related to me; here again; please correct me if I'm wrong.

The mule stopped again before the family got to the railroad station. George shot the mule.

Grandma says "why did you shoot our mule? "
George says "that's Once"

Tough Times; Tough People; Tough Love; Tough answers. They did what it took!

I'm sorry you felt that way Russ; you were wrong!----m.

As Always-----Love from the LMA-----Mikey.

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