No wonder Dude was so out of it. Certainly when the seasons change we all feel the need to take a few moments to enjoy the relief of the last season passing. This at least guarantees being happy four times a year. I celebrate the start of "Fire Season", the signature preoccupation of the "LMA" post "DEVIL'S ANVIL" season. Of coarse "MONSOON SEASON" is a short lived thrill. I guess what we really need is more seasons, therefor more times of the year to be happy. We all have common times, Birthdays; Holidays; and so forth. Best Times are those happening naturally, coming without aversion, without thought they are upon us, only noticed as a passing season while time marches forward. The pace of life demands it's recognition from us, so it gets our attention anyway it can, noting what effect it has on the horses always brings it to my attention,"Naturally".
I'm in an unusual state of mind in that I follow The Girls Dorm. Seeing how all the family is coming along gives me such pleasure and sense of contentment. Living here I like to share the thoughts of a single life with a family that is going to rule the world, or could if it wanted to. I am so proud to claim since it's inception The Girls Dorm has produced nothing other than Exceptional Women, "AS IT SHOULD BE". Thank You MOM.
Now Paul Harvey what is the rest of the news?
Oh I don't know. The weather is nice, Mikey will be headed North for the annual winter meat journey. Hope to catchup with as many of you as I can. Of coarse I intent to post so many pictures of the trip. As a side note I won't spend all my time at the Spruce Tree Ranch as Jerry will be racing in Portland. ExBro Marlin has invited me to camp out in Nampa. So looking forward to that.
Not much sense in having a fire place; smoker; and "Never Enough Wood" when there is no meat. Roasted Ears of Corn; Garlic cloves with Butter and Wine wrapped in foil then put in the coals. Idaho Baked Potatoes. -Sweet White onions all sound mighty good with or without meat. I prefer with.
Something just happened so I have to post later. Sorry to stop abruptly.
As always-------LOVE-------m.