Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hey Chet!

.I must confess, I don't have the model year. .I know there must be some memories behind this one.
Call that a motor?

Continental Stile?
Just so the girls don't think I just write for them.


Isn't it amazing what a day will bring.

Nice huh?

Just cruising.

Yes, there are times when I think of other things than horses. Looking at some old machine always gets me thinking of the "Long and Winding Road" .
Where has the CLASS gone?
.Grand Pah knew how to build a machine.
.I'm not one who believes in living in the past, but they really did a good job working with what they had. Awesome!
.Time to go to the fire, Dream, and have a cold one.-----Mikey.
.PS---as always-----love----m.


Kathleen Lee said...

Nice ride, Mikey! Where is it?

Barbara said...

So, is this now parked in your driveway?