Sunday, August 22, 2010



A conversation with someone I Love prompted me to hand write the following script. Since I had no net access, write your thoughts down in the "Dead Tree Style", save it for sometime later. Recently I found a writing that seemed to be something to be shared.



.I recall spending so much of my early years searching for my destiny. Sitting here remembering the early years, how really lucky I was to be so naive.

Naivety seems to cost you in the long run, yet affords the freedom of imagination. Taking things at face value before being disappointed by reality when it rears it's Heartbreaking Head. Reading between the lines, something seemed disingenuous of the need to start this way.

Later in life this becomes a conditioned reflex brought on by reality. The powers of self preservation must now rein in the personality of Freedom and Imagination, for the Security from Heartache and Ingenuity.

Lost innocence from searching the world around us, playing event after event at face value seems to be a generational downfall to the honest, yet naive.

Providence only, explains surviving it. The hidden agenda behind the smiling face becomes all too clear, all too often.



1 comment:

Barbara said...

Hmmm....need to ponder this more.