Monday, August 2, 2010

Can you believe it's August already


This is just a little post for the sake of posting.

As things roll along here at the LMA all the hard work has been worth while I guess. The grapes are coming along; horses rolling in the powder to protect themselves from the elements.

I sure miss the fire. Did I mention it is hot here? Can't believe all the years I worked as a carpenter in Arizona. Amazing what you are able to do when you were young, today, no way.
Looking out the window reminds me, when people ask, why did you move from Las Vegas to Sandy Valley? It's not what I do see, It's what I don't see!

No one can run away, I know this. As long as Easter is happy, I'm happy. August makes me happy because I know the Anvil is going to start cooling soon.

Hibernation season is here. This is why I don't have much to report. Posting just to let you know I just want to say Hi.

Maybe when the sun goes down I'll take some pictures and start a fire---------mikey

.PS-----------LYB-------------m .


Barbara said...

Dear Mike,
It's starting to cool down in the Treasure Valley as well. Couldn't come to soon for me! I'm so glad to live in the country so my bdrm windows can be open all night long without hearing lots of sirens, neighbors, etc.
Today I went out to Hatte Butte off Hwy 45 and Melmont to do some painting for my son. He and his wife and family are moving to the house my folks built when we moved to Melba back in 10th grade. I never tired of the view from that house and pleased they can enjoy it- for the time being anyway. My granddaughter is 4 yrs old and crazy about animals so already having fun spotting bunnies, etc. up there.
I have been pretty tired these past few days with a lot going on so guess I won't write you about the class reunion tonight.
If you send me a mailing address I'll send you a copy of a couple pictures of everyone that could come.
When will you start having chilly nights so you can kick back in front of a fire to relax?
Take care my faraway friend~Barbara

Kathleen Lee said...

Thanks for posting Mike I miss it when you don’t. Its always such a pleasure when you do. Still quite warm here. Love you.