.I Know Easter.
This machine is haunted.
.It took me so long to load these photos I forgot what Just a Swinging story was all about. This means you will have to put captions on the photos yourself! By product of "Some timers Disease" Please forgive me.

I mean Loaded!

Just a Swinging.

Love ya-----mikey.

Not a CW Song, Just the "Facts Mamm", just a swinging after the Monsoons. One sure way to know you have his attention: both ears are forward!
Oh MY.
Long way from "Fire Season", see ya soon----mikey.
PS---YOU KNOW-----m.
Thanks, Mikey! I love all the photos. We had the same temperature drop here, so it was down in the 60's. We finished painting the patio cover and bbq'd ribs yesterday. I took the kids' photos too.
Don't those grapes look delectable! We have been eating watermelon non-stop and since peaches are on that's always a favorite! Yum!
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