Sunday, July 18, 2010

Devil's Anvil

This is good, and look beer too!
Good to see the the fireplace is OK!

.Hey mike I think boys are stupid. Could you go throw some rocks at them? Love JackieJo.

Hey mike, what did she say?
You Don't want to Know boys, trust me.
.The Devil's Anvil! No wonder JJ's in an off mood.

Think I'm kidding? This is in the shade! (Morning on the LMA!).
.Ths is in the shade, I never knew why everyone came out here at "NOON IN JUNE", let alone July.
.Just so ya know, I had a very hard time posting this. The temperature seems to play havock with the signal out here. I had a very nice story in mind, but, oh well. I will tell ya later.
.One day money, the next day mud.
.Life in the Devil's Anvil,-----------mikey



Kathleen Lee said...

We're only 9 degrees cooler, Mikey. Oh and Jackie Jo is right! I'm just sayin'. Waiting for your story....
ly, sis

Barbara said...

Dear Mike,
I was going to write you to tell you that we are sweltering up here but after seeing your thermometer, I will quit my whining!

I long for the cool breeze and sometimes am waiting until 1:00 a.m. so leave the bdrm windows open all night even though dogs are barking and cattle moo's sound forlorn. Not to mention the cat fights!

Our Tomato plants have so many blossoms and small fruit which we will soon be harvesting for a daily BLT-yum! My Pepper plants did not survive the Earwig infestation nor did my yellow Mums so I am waging war on them! Die earwigs! The only other thing in our garden is Mint and Rhubarb so it will be slim pickins' as you can tell.

Well, better head to Home Depot to purchase stuff for the never-ending projects. In the morning a friend and I will start painting the Man Cave. Yay! The man of this particular Man Cave might not approve initially but after the shock of seeing a lighter, brighter room he will be glad and thankful he did not have this on HIS "honey-do" list! If I knew how to put a sky light in that room, I would. It faces the North and only has a French door for light exposure. A Mole would approve.

Liked your pictures and think your horses rival televisions, Mr. Ed (remember him?) in their conversation skills!

By the way, where's the food in the frig? Ya need to stock it with something tasty to eat like Elk or Rabbit or are you a vegetarian? Do you have Rattlesnakes and Jack Rabbits around there? Wonder if J. Rabbits taste anything like bunnies?

Try to stay cool...right...your long lost friend from a way back,