Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4TH


Happy 4TH of July, writing in white is invisible ink, so blue will have to do. The back ground is white.

God Bless the USA. As usual everybody else hates us. Jealousy is such an ugly emotion.


The Fourth is a favorite holiday of mine, the world I have lived in calls it,"Cowboy Christmas". This is the weekend of more Rodeos than any other.


Cowboy Christmas always means more prize money available to win!


What could be more Free Enterprise than putting both your money and your ass on the line than that?


The Spirit of America lives with the "Cowboys", and believe me the title is not gender specific.

for some reason photos are not loading, stay tuned I'll be back.



Kathleen Lee said...

So glad to see you back Mikey. I've been checking regularly. Yeah, I know I could do better at the Girls Dorm too. LY

Barbara said...

Dear Mike,

We were so glad to hear from your brother of your whereabouts! Of course we knew from the last time we had an informal get-together for classmates (maybe 12 years ago?) that you were in Las Vegas, but when I found your brother on fb and you were not in his friends list, I was worried. That is how rumors get started, you know. I hope you aren't distressed when I tell you this. I asked a few of the guys if they knew if you were still living and why I wondered so. Oh! You were not listed as a sibling on your brothers acct. either so that was another reason why I was concerned! Then I had a theory that maybe you were "flying under the radar" for some reason. Yes, unbeknownst to you, some of us were questioning your whereabouts, yes, even your very existence! Where in the world is Mike Murphy???

Last night, finally got a phone number for Dennis Rogers to tell him of the party and he told me that your sister, Katherine married Chet Lee and voila, a link to the ever elusive M. M. Excitedly called Michele with the update but meanwhile she had heard from your brother who verified that you are still "with us", phone number, etc. Hurray! Which leads me to the purpose of this letter.

Michele and I are planning a get-together/pot-luck for and and all class members (and spouses) that can come on July 24th at my house. Of course, it would be unlikely you would decide to drop everything, jump in the car and drive hours to Melba to join us, but just in case you were thinking of a trip to Idaho anyway to visit your family here who would certainly LOVE to see you.......

We don't live very far from Lakeshore Store on Hwy. 45. At the intersection of Lewis Lane and S. Powerline we are 1 block south and the 3rd. house east on Wilbeth Ln. Come at 5:00, planning to eat around 6 and visit as long as you want! We are providing Ham, salads, soda and ice tea so anyone can bring whatever else they would want for snacking. My phone number is, 208-466-7416, cell phone-208-880-5372, or of course you can reply to my e-mail. We would love to see you! It's been so many years! We haven't had many "official" reunions as you know.

If you are curious as to who is planning on coming here's a quick rundown: Gary McDaniel, Grant Leavitt, Darwin Brown, Dennis Rogers, Richard Jayo, Jimmy Johnston (unless someone's farm equipment has to be repaired-busy time of year), Jeff Pline, Susan Miller, Marchia Hughes (most likely), Sherry Workman, Shirley Martin, Jan Amos (and Pat Ihli) and Mary Brown (probably). We're hoping to locate Paul Trent, Robin Pulley and Rob Cummings, yet. Dixie can't come-family wedding, Les and Sharon are going to the rodeo-already have tickets and everyone else is out of state. Oh, Tony Bradshaw hasn't been contacted yet and Dennis is on that and is also inviting Ann Triplett and Tony Marek. Eric Mayes and Theresa haven't committed yet or David Ball. Whew!

Had a chance to take a look at your blog for a while and I can see why you love living on the ranch so much! Beautiful horses! Love their names-clever! I'm not really savvy with blogging but did check out a bit of what your sister wrote and pictures she posted, too. Her footage of the Melba 4th of July parade made me wish I would have gone!

Well, I'm getting sleepy so better get off for now. Later~ Barbara

P.S. If, perchance you have a lead on Rob C. , Robin P. or Paul Trent would you let me know, please? I am going to drive down to George Trent's place (on the way to Murphy) tomorrow so might get a lead from them. Thanks!
