The weather out here was really nice for the start of Thanksgiving week.
Some of the things on the agenda were to re stack the Hay; put a very heavy lumber tarp over it; rotate the tires on the Accura; ride Easter and Jackie Jo; add a few trees to the ranch; get the International tractor started; and so on and so on.

Having hibernated all Summer I thought it would be a perfect opportunity for a ride on Easter, since he does have a new set of shoes. I have always cold saddled him just in case we ever needed to leave in a hurry for some reason. He has that program down really well, also he stands very still until I have my seat, and stirrups just the way I like them. A blessing of fore thought in early training. But just because he lets me get this far without a problem does not mean he isn't really excited deep down inside, and I Know soon we will have a little problem. Larry was not to sure about Jackie Jo either, he opted to lunge her for a while just to see what kind of mood she was in, not bad actually, such a good girl. Ready Murph? Sure thing Larry why don't we head out to the west towards the Wilderness area? Sounds Good. Easter! What the hell was that? Come on boy, that was a nice jump though. Here we go not two hundred yards from the place and Easter decides he wants to run away from some furry little barking mutts. Not good Easter, lets start doggies training right now! Well they didn't seem to bother you did they Jackie Jo? What's that Larry? Oh yeah he has some very agile moves doesn't he. Thank heaven that was it for the day, you know it is getting a lot better but I need to work him more often. That's why I wouldn't tell anyone he was broke,one quick move like that and most people would be getting up from the ground.
We spent the rest of the ride, about fifteen miles, just looking over the country side, had a couple of cold ones on the way home, talked about how the horses were working so well. I could get on either of them and head out with confidence, nice.
The next afternoon Larry decided to give Hey-Girl (haven't heard from the AQHA yet) a little quality time, early training saves time and effort later on.
See you soon-------------Mikey